The Voyages of Brendan

The Travel of Journey of Joshua T. Harvey, World Traveler, in honor of St. Brendan the Navigator


Dimanche: Day of Listening (Day 10)

Sunday was certainly a day of rest (like yesterday). We picked up Helene right on time because Mass went overtime. She will be staying until July 10 working at the house. I finished the book I was reading and then we went to another of Ted's relatives, another aunt and uncle's, for another World Cup game and another fantastic meal. "Nou te mange two isit!" (We have eaten too much here!) It is so wonderful to see his family here dote on him and take care of him--and how they graciously extend this to me and Helene without thinking--this is inspirational. They treat everyone like Jesus himself were at their door. I hope I can carry this mentality to the guests who come through Matthew 25 in the next three weeks.

This morning we went to the Mass at nearby St. Louis de Gonzague. The service demonstrated the multi-cultural approach of language, being mostly in French, but also with songs and parts of the homily in Kreyol. It took a lot of concentration to try and get anything out of it, though I was reminded of many parts of the liturgy in French that I already knew from travelling in Canada and in Paris. We were towards the back so it was physically difficult to hear a lot of the time, so I feigned concentration some and phased out a bit.

Upon returning home, it struck me how difficult it was for me to understand people speaking to me in French or Kreyol. I have long known that I have the same problem with music--I cannot always "play by ear" the way I would like. It opened up a new spiritual problem, one that melds in with the discipline of presence for other people. Perhaps it is that I am just not proficient enough at listening in general, spiritually. I have begun to listen to my inner voice again, little by little, so I hope I can reflect this struggle outwardly. Perhaps it will cast a light on these other listenings: music, language, people. Only then will I be able to greet all as Christ greeted his friends, pure presence, joy, and understanding.


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